Système Béton Naturel

Système Béton Naturel

Système Béton Naturel

Système Béton Naturel

Looking for an industrial aesthetic that accentuates the natural beauty of your concrete? Look no further – our Natural Concrete System, available in a wet or dry finish, not only seals your concrete and reduces dust but also gives it that sought-after blend of trendiness and sophistication. This resilient and easy-to-maintain clear epoxy is the preferred choice for shielding concrete flooring from the demands of daily use, making it a popular option in commercial establishments, dining spaces, showrooms, and various other environments. To increase durability and protect against scratches and UV discoloration (yellowing), we strongly recommend adding our water-based polyurethane protection coat, offered in both glossy and matte finishes.


Salons et salles à manger Centres commerciaux, boutiques, et magasin
Salles de bains Halls d’entrée et bureaux
Garages Hotels
Sous-sols Restaurants & boites de nuit
Maisons/Condos Complets Salles de montre
Salons de coiffure/barbiers
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